God, In Christ, Has Made A Way For All Of My Sins

Since Jesus is fully man and fully God, only his righteous shed blood could redeem all of humanity and the rest of His creation from the curse of sin. And, instead of a short lifespan, followed by death, resulting from mankind’s sin, Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” See: John 3:16. “The first man was named Adam, and the scriptures tell us that He was a living person. But Jesus, who may be called the last Adam is a life-giving spirit.” See: 1 Corinthians 15:45, CEV. Jesus is also God: “A virgin will have a baby boy, and He will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.” See: Matthew 1:23, CEV. “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” See: Acts 4:12, CEV.

In contrast, all sin is based on a lie against the truth. Further, God gives people a conscience to distinguish right from wrong. However, some people quite mistakenly believe that simply because they were born in sin, that God loves sin and sinners. However, the truth is, because He is Holy, God loves righteousness and hates wickedness. See: Psalm 45:7. Additionally, the first Adam, sinned even before producing children. (Adam and Eve, both of whom God called Adam, means “earthy”. See: Genesis 5:2; “The man named his wife Eve (life spring, life giver) because she was the mother of all living.” See: 3:20, Amplified Bible). That first human couple fell under the curse of sin, while still living in God’s Garden of Eden. See: Genesis 3:1-24. Therefore, when they expelled from the Garden of Eden and began having children, their offspring were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. See: Psalm 51:5. Each sin listed in the Bible may be thought of as an inescapable assignment divided among all of humanity. However, “Sin pays off with death. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.” See: Romans 6:23. Therefore, regardless of the sin that is assigned, sin is always the opposite of righteousness. And each person can pass the test, (which is based on a specific sin assignment) only by relying on Jesus’ salvation and His willing sacrificial death as the Lamb of God for all sin. The initial sin was brought on by deceitful temptation from the devil, which he perpetrated against Eve. When Eve involved her husband, Adam, they both became disobedient to God’s command that they should not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Additionally, as a result of their disobeying God and eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they both went from living in a state of holy innocence, where they were not drawn to sin, because they knew no sin and did only what was right to their conscience, which was firmly rooting in honoring and trusting God, to having their good thoughts accompanied by an awareness of evil thoughts that had the potential to lead them astray. And because of the nature of sin living inside of them, they would choose to sin, (although they hated being sinful), instead of choosing only to rely on God in every thought and action in order to behave in a righteous manner. See: Romans 7:15-24. Therefore, they had to be expelled from the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life, then living for eternity in a state of sinfulness.

However, outside of the Garden of Eden, Adam was cursed to a life that was complicated by his physical toil involving his growing of edible vegetation for food from often hard, dry soil, and dealing with thorns and thistles that sprang up on their own, as the sin of mankind caused a curse upon all of God’s creation, including the earth from which God made Adam. Further, Eve’s curse involved labor pains in childbirth and sorrow. Her sorrow also likely resulted from God’s curse that her husband would rule over her. And they both became aware of the sin of their offspring. Mankind’s fallen nature as to their desire to yield to their temptation to commit sin, and the continued influence of the devil on human behavior, eventually led God to destroy all life on the earth, with the exception of only eight people, by a flood of waters. See: Genesis 9:11. However, when those eight people repopulated the world, sin eventually rose up again. Therefore, toward the end of time, God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, into the world to teach mankind about His kingdom, after which Jesus gave up His life and died, once and for all, for the sins of the entire world.

Jesus, who is also called, the Word, made all of creation. “In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God. From the beginning the Word was with God. And with his Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word. Everything that was created received its life from Him, and His life gave light the everyone. The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.” See: John 1:1-5. After, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross as the Lamb of God, He made a proclamation to the spirits that were lost in the flood. See: I Peter 3:18. Then God raised Jesus to life again, whereby He encouraged His disciples and returned to Heaven. Then, as promised He sent His Holy Spirit to fill His disciples and a growing worldwide body of believers in Christ to remind them of all truth.

However, those who choose to reject Jesus’ great salvation and refuse to care for the needs of other people will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and the angels. See: Matthew 25:41. The devil wanted to take over the throne of God. See: Isaiah 14:12. Therefore, the great dragon, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, were thrown to the earth. See: Revelation 12:7-12. Further, Jesus said that He saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven. See: Luke 10:18. Therefore, Satan, his angels and the human beings that he led astray to commit unrepentant sin, and even death, itself, will be finally destroyed. However, those who chose to obey God, will be the redeemed of the Lord, Jesus Christ: as they help those in need, live righteously, inherit eternal life and will be forever with the Lord.

After, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross as the Lamb of God, He made a proclamation to the spirits that were lost in the flood. See: I Peter 3:18. Then God raised Jesus to life again, whereby He encouraged His disciples, returned to Heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to fill His believers and remind them of all truth. However, those who choose to reject Jesus’ great salvation and refuse to care for the needs of other people will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and the angels. See: Matthew 25:41. The devil wanted to take over the throne of God. See: Isaiah 14:12. Therefore, the great dragon, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, was thrown to the earth. See: Revelation 12:7-12. Further, Jesus said that He saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven. See: Luke 10:18.

Therefore, Satan, his angels, and the human beings that he led astray to commit unrepentant sin, and death, itself, will all be finally destroyed. And there will be no more tears. See: Revelation 21:4. Further, those who chose to obey God and were redeemed from sin to salvation through Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life and will be forever with the Lord.

In conclusion, as a result of the fall of the first human couple, Adam, who disobeyed God by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which brought God’s curse on them and on the children they later had, humanity continued to grapple with the knowledge of evil, as it interfered with their ability to choose only the good behavior that pleases the Holy LORD, their God.
However, God, who is compassionate and knows the beginning from the end, wants all of mankind to be saved by choosing righteousness instead of wickedness. See: 2 Peter 3:8-10. Therefore, in the last days, through the excruciatingly painful death of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, God planned for the redemption of His entire creation, including all of the willing and obedient believers in Christ among mankind. And having done the will of His Father, after He finished talking to His disciples, Jesus returned to Heaven. See: Mark 16:19.

However, some ordinary people were drawn to God and chose to honor Him by living righteously; while God chose others as His prophets, priest, kings, apostles, and for other areas of ministry in order to keep open communication between God and mankind, all of whom He desires to save, so that not even one is lost. See Matthew 18:12.

Therefore, (regardless of the sin assignment, disposition, or propensity toward sin), strive to overwhelmingly pass the test of faith, in order to win the prize of salvation. See: Hebrews 11:1-40 and 1 Corinthians 9:25-27. “For many are called but few are chosen.” See: Matthew 22:14.

The Golden Cage Near God’s, (Auxiliary), Throne

The Golden Cage Near God’s Throne-

As I walked and conversed with God, I simultaneously saw myself leaning listlessly against a corner of a cage where I had apparently chosen by default to exist; and as I saw myself remain there, I perceived that the caged person was my spirit that was suffering in silence, having clung to a decades-long belief that I alone could dispel my homosexual anxiety. This was an eye-opening orientation as to how I was perceived in the heavenly realm. But in His uniquely confident and well-composed style, God conveyed me through my initial shock.

I briefly glanced at His form, but I patiently awaited His purifying words. Further, the Biblical reference to God’s eyes as “flames of fire,” denotes His determinate look that blazes, both with ultimate power and ultimate compassion. And only the relative purity of a person’s intentions could help decide whether there would be an encounter with God’s decisive, disciplinary demeanor, His limitless merciful and compassionate visage or an effective combination of the two, as necessary.

Further, I gathered that the dimly lit room was used as a storage area for my cage and other items, which, (except for the cage), were covered, and their contents were concealed. The golden cage, (which was the scene of an ultimatum, that later occurred in that room), was situated three, (3) to four, (4) feet from God’s auxiliary throne. The throne was elevated and well lit by several lamps as well as God’s Holy and commanding presence. I became the direct focus of His wise counsel: so, I studiously leaned in to receive His precious advise.

His compassion was genuine and transformative. (Please read the blog: “My Gender Is A Precious Gift From God,” for a more detailed discussion. Further, His providence was evident at various points throughout my life and particularly as it relates to this immense turning point from which I deduced several teachable moments regarding my cherished visit to heaven with my Wise, Holy Everlasting Father, as follows: 

  1. God keeps a record of sins, including those found in the heart, mind and emotions; so, He knows everything that happens in His creation. Therefore, it is impossible to hide from God. (As a 5 year old, I didn’t realize this. And it was not completely clear until God declared it to me when I trusted Him to help me at the age of forty-five.) Also, I once believed that a person went to either Heaven or Hell. But in my case, it was Heaven on hold until I had finally and fully trusted God.
  2. “All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD.” Proverbs 16:2, NIV: New International Version. 
  3. God kept His vigil: The omniscient God likely visited that “storage” room with the expectation that I would one day demand His Truth that would set me free. 
  4. My feeling of entrapment in the earthly realm was manifested in heaven as a physical “golden cage,” the shiny bars of which apparently were a result of the beleaguering homosexual thoughts and feelings that, over time had perplexed my spirit, mind and heart, leaving me in a silent, nearly comatose, yet considerably anxious state.
  5. For so long, in my daily life, in the company of family and others, I pretended to be happy. Yet, in reality, I was only going through the motions, as I kept a secret from everyone, including my mother and told her only after I had learned the truth from God about solving the gender-related anxiety that I was going through.
  6. I now know that I didn’t have to languish for decades in that cage: God would have been just as willing to rescue me the first moment I experienced gender-related fear and confusion and cried out for help, as He was in the 40th year of my having similar, ongoing inappropriate thoughts and feelings.
  7. I believe Jesus pled for me while I remained isolated in that confused state, “My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous.” 1 John 2:1, New Living Translation, (NLT).
  8. God works by invitation, only. In other words, regardless of how much He wishes to rescue someone, He would not invade a person’s will or ignore the choice someone makes. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20, World English Bible, (WEB).
  9. Regardless of the reason, because I refused to cry out to God for help, to a large extent, my ongoing adverse condition was therefore perpetuated by my own choice.
  10. Also, I deduced that I was imprisoned (in that rectangular cage, that was high enough to sit in but not to stand in and long enough to lie down in), as I had chosen to tolerate homosexual thoughts and feelings, in that I did not timely allow God to relieve me from them or the burden they represented. So, while I was kept in that cage/prison in heaven, due to my unholy thoughts and feelings, I was likely seen as an enemy, or at least as someone who had yet to find her voice and chose God. And therefore, while spiritually in Heaven, my sin had separated me from the Holy God.
  11. I was merely existing; but once I trusted the righteous God, He cared enough about me to allow me to see my true state in the way that He saw me. I felt sorry for myself and did not like the image I presented. More importantly, I had a strong need to please God and agree with Him for my rescue. God’s unwavering love and truth give me life and that more abundantly.   
  12. My homosexual anxiety was unsolvable without God’s grace and merciful intervention. And His resolutions bring positive, permanent change that stand the test of time, as long as I am willing to support His righteous efforts and my promises to Him and myself.
  13. Also, I share my true triumph and inspiration with everyone, who will also trust God for similar victories, including a brand new spirit that He makes alive and well. May God help you to hope beyond hope, share your triumphs with one another, heal others with the truths God shares with you and change the world one lovely, brave, redeemed soul at a time; as you are also God’s child, and He loves you unconditionally.
  14. My sincere hope is that you, with similar tests and challenges to the ones I have had, will find the courage to cry out early to God for rescue. There is no need to suffer for decades as I did; because, in my experience, the Loving Heavenly Father is ready and willing to seek and to save the lost soul, who cry out for His help.

My Needless 40-Year Struggle


Why did my victory take 40 years? (As a popular saying goes, hindsight is always 20/20.) Nevertheless, in my case, the struggle was perpetuated by fear. And since age six, I began to see its paralyzing effects: I was conservative in my beliefs; and due to my struggle with homosexual thoughts and feelings, I became too self-loathing to trust other people because I was fearful of receiving a negative response if they even suspected what I was going through, much less disclose it to anyone. And if they were unable to resolve my concerns, I believed they might have thought less of me. Also, in that regard, unfortunately, I had a similar apprehension about trusting the Holy God. If I had turned to Him (sooner), I now know He would have understood; but, in fact, I had felt more ashamed to ask a sinless God for help. What would He have thought of me? And this thought pattern did not significantly improve over many years.

And even though I had suspected that homosexual thoughts and feelings were invalid and unacceptable, I didn’t know how to stop them from occurring. At times, I felt the answer was a mystery but that my silence could protect me, by hopefully buying enough time to resolve the matter on my own. Nevertheless, in that situation, my ongoing distrust only further perpetuated my silence in a continual cycle of fear and shame. Fortunately, I now know that God’s grace is sufficient for me; and despite His unlimited power, He is also Love personified: because God will not despise a broken and contrite heart. (See Psalm 51:17, KJV.) Ultimately, my 40-year struggle was based in needless fear, as this scripture notates: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7, New King James Version (NKJV).

I can see the benefits of my not turning to another person regarding my struggle (and potentially doing more harm than good by burdening another mere human with such a complex spiritual dilemma, as neither neighbors nor anyone else I knew of were famous for resolving such problems); but as I later discovered, turning to God was exactly what I needed to do. Nevertheless, I recall the account in the first chapter of the Bible Book of Genesis, where Adam routinely had fellowship with God and communed with Him; and I also read that Adam and Eve later hid from God as a result of their sin, (as I now realize that I had effectively done for 40 years).

However, I cried out to God when it became impractical to maintain my distance from Him: There came a point in my life when I required real relationships: I needed to be taken seriously and didn’t want to feel crippled in my efforts to have a genuine connection with others. Also, I now believe God has always worked behind the scenes to produce that breaking point for me: that moment in my spiritual maturity when I had to break free from what perplexed me to obtain what I needed to know from Him in order to achieve my breakthrough to an improved relationship with Him. In short, my victory took 40 years because I was fearful and hid from everyone, including God, the only one who could tell me how to triumph over homosexual anxiety. And it was only when I turned to Him with unwavering determination to see my problem resolved, that I received His grace, wisdom, and mercy, which lead to my astounding breakthrough.

The saying holds true that, “Hindsight is always 20/20,” because I realize, now, that I was wrong to question whether God would understand if I confessed to Him my struggles with homosexual thoughts and feelings, (which I then believed were equivalent to “being” a homosexual). But God knew exactly how to comfort me and instantly dispelled my fears about this issue, (even before I could utter a word to Him in Person about it). I believed up to seconds before He arrived to help me that this was a mammoth issue, but I deduced from what God said that I had misunderstood the entire matter.

Additionally, in that process of receiving His wisdom, God completely protected my heart by dealing gently with me and assuring me of ultimate rewards for compliance and ultimate punishment for non-compliance with His will concerning the matter. In His honest and kind way, after revealing the solution, God clearly communicated that the choice was mine. He gave me something of value to reclaim and defend i.e. my gender, which He stated was a loving gift from Him right from the start. Therefore, I felt informed and enlightened as someone would when given all of the sober facts. And I left that experience knowing that God truly cares; and He does all things well.

Therefore, I have proven to myself over a period of decades that sinfulness is not solvable solely by individual human efforts. Further, God was faultless in that between Satan, Adam, and Eve, sin entered the world. But sin had profoundly significant effects on all involved, including Adam, Eve, all of their children, God’s entire Earthly creation, and God, Himself, in the Person of Christ Jesus, who came to Earth to die for all sins and to restore His creation back to its original sinless state for those who trust and believe in Him. Therefore, my prayer is that regardless of the nature of human individuals’ sins, let all those who trust and believe in Jesus, (who is God), be redeemed from sin by His sacrificial blood and receive all of God’s grace and blessings today and forevermore.


5 Ways To Guard My Gender

Before God set me free from homosexual thoughts and feelings, I remember being very anxious to know what it would be like to have a distinctly true heterosexual disposition. I often wondered what a heterosexual feels and how confident and unburdened that feeling must be. Also, I yearned to successfully partake in heterosexual dating as a fully heterosexual woman and experience a meaningful relationship that would one day lead to a wonderful, love-filled marriage to a spiritually mature Christian man. And I’ve often wished to share a great understanding, complete mutual acceptance, and unconditional love with my future significant other.

I suppose I will never stop wanting to be fulfilled in this way, particularly now, since I have God’s assurance of being heterosexual; and I am certain that I can turn to Him at any time for any additional assurance or support. (God is Holy: and He wants all of His creation to be restored to its original state of holiness, health and perfection, which fully reflects His image in which mankind was made.) So, I’ll hold out hope until my wish for a meaningful heterosexual relationship comes true. Nevertheless, in an effort to fully enjoy my freedom from homosexual anxiety, and on behalf of those who have known similar anxieties, I would like to share my success and it relates to things that I do on a daily basis to vigilantly guard my gender, as follows:

The 5 Ways I Guard My Gender:

1) Immediately: I promptly abhor homosexual anxiety in the same instant that it tries to enter my thought-life, spirituality, or emotions, long before it has a chance to take root. For example, I sometimes imagine those abhorrent thoughts or feeling to be something like a “baseball” and my spiritual, mental, and emotional reflexes, based on God’s Word, like a “bat,” with which I promptly knock them out of the proverbial “ballpark!” And I have found that my reflexes, (the Godly standard that I raise in order to gain the mastery over sin), become quicker with practice.

2) Resolutely: Since God revealed to me more that ten years ago, how to deal with homosexual thoughts and feelings, I have agreed with HIM that they are abhorrent and would destroy my relationship with HIS Holy Spirit. These thoughts are also destructive in that they show a lack of respect for myself and others: The best in people and every aspect of God’s creation, including remarkable intelligence, beauty, talent, strength, etc, are all gifts, reflections, and testaments to be attributed to the Holy God, who gives life and all that is good.

Therefore, I firmly resolve to dispel these inappropriate thoughts and feelings that have no place in my life by, instead, using them as opportunities to remember to HONOR God, thank Him for His grace, and marvel at HIS wisdom, might and glory. I resolve to join Him in bringing out His best in me to enabling me to enjoy the best that life has to offer. I draw near to Him with praise or by saying a favorite, quick and effective prayer. This places my attention on HIM, the appropriate respect on HIS creation, and makes it easy for me to recall who God says I am, as well as how HE showed, (and continually shows) His immense love for me. 

3) Completely: Not only do I vigilantly strive to maintain a healthy spiritual mental and emotional outlook by appropriately respecting God, myself, and others. But by speaking truth and calling on Jesus, I fully and thoroughly abolish any occurrence of homosexual anxiety and remain vigilant until there is no place for it to exist, as it is absorbed by the grace and power of repeating the name of Jesus. What a friend we have in Jesus: There is nothing like His lovely Name to silence the noise of sin and shame.

4) Fearlessly: If they occur, I maintain an attitude of proactively challenging and rejecting homosexual thoughts and feelings with the utmost confidence and utter fearlessness. The importance of being assertive with unwavering, bold determination cannot be overstated in a battle in which properly protecting my spirit, mind, and emotions is essential. Further, the healing waters of God’s Word quench the heat of battle in any of life’s challenges and assure me that I never have to face these challenges alone. I am reminded of the following scripture from the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse, 37: “Yet in all these thing we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” New King James Version, (NKJV).

5) Affirmingly: I focus on several powerful truths: 1) I am a heterosexual woman, and I’m profoundly glad that my doting Heavenly Father kindly and considerately hand- picked this gender as a gift for me 2) I cherish and confidently protect my birth gender 3) I love myself unconditionally and continually rejoice in my heterosexuality, (which pleases God), especially as to the peaceful single mindedness it brings me and, 4) I readily and humbly agree with God that my heterosexuality is one of the most precious gifts He ever gave me.

These affirmations help to provide a firm foundation for sanctification, which separate and shelter me from an opposing view. I am in a spiritual battle where choosing righteousness over sin is the goal for achieving victory. And now I am certain to win; in fact, I am more than a conqueror because I have invited God, who loves me fights the battle for and with me.

Coming of Age

Coming of Age-

Although Jesus is God and was sinless, he was humble, having found himself in the form of  a man. Additionally, having come as the Lamb of God to redeem all of God’s creation from the curse of sin, Jesus was therefore made perfect by the things that He suffered. Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:26-38, Hebrews 1:5-14, Colossians 1:15-20 and Philippians 2:5-7.

In my own experience, as someone grappling to overcome homosexual thoughts and feelings even later in life, although my coming of age was markedly delayed by my failure to trust God as a result of the fear and shame accompanying my sinful condition, that entire struggle is significant; because having surrendered my fear and shame (which may involve passive forms of pride) I am now blessed enough to know that the pivotal point in my journey culminates in the unveiling of God’s transcending power that allowed me to grow into spiritual maturity through His invaluable counsel and my joining my faith with His. I now know that God is all in all, and that all roads and all life experiences lead me to glorious victory when they lead me to Jesus, whose name is above every other name, including homosexual thoughts and feelings or the name of any other sin, blessing or any other thing in this life: Bless The Holy Name of Jesus! The humility to fully trust God to sanctify me, that is to separate me and set me apart from the sin that had so easily entangled me, amounts to my going through a spiritual awakening, and that is no doubt more powerful and far more necessary for redemption through Christ than only my physical maturity in my coming of age.

No matter who they are, what makes all people sinners is that everyone falls into a category of sins listed in the Bible. And as such, all are therefore eligible for salvation, which God willingly provides. Once each person trusts in God and is saved from sin, all who have faith could read with new hope the events in the Bible before the fall of mankind, when God and Adam had fellowship by walking and talking together in the Garden of Eden. (The name, Adam is synonymous with Adama, which is Hebrew for, “earth” and by extension, “earthy”; the individual definition is, “human”, and collectively, “mankind”); in other words, Adam was quite literally an earthman. His wife, Eve, whom God formed from Adam’s bone was also called, Adam. Genesis, chapter 5, verse 2, (KJV), says the following: Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

I regularly and wholeheartedly celebrate the moment when God opened my eyes to the lifelong freedom of experiencing 100% maturity as to heterosexuality from the moment I understood His truth, (the truth), that set me free. Whether the struggle is with homosexual anxiety or otherwise, and lasted hours, days, weeks, months, years, or even decades, (as in my case), whenever, you found the courage to privately cry out to God for help, whereby with His divine counsel, you were finally able to allow Him to carry your burden, this is the moment that began your Spiritual Coming of Age.

Therefore, if like me, you have similarly experienced freedom from homosexual anxiety, I wholeheartedly encourage you to also regularly celebrate the magnanimity of the moment that your life-long freedom began and NEVER go back: Rejoice in God’s grace, everlasting mercy and unconditional love through Jesus Christ’s shed on the cross, by which your burden was lifted. And I rejoice with you, as your suffering has led you to abandon your secret pride in not turning to God sooner, and because your faith in the finished work of Jesus makes you whole.

Or, if you are desperate to live as a fully heterosexual woman or man but have not yet experienced your breakthrough: Once you have reached the point where you have had enough of experiencing the burdensome intrusion of homosexual thoughts and feelings, or you have become so frustrated with homosexual anxiety, that you have developed “mountain moving faith” to dispel it from your life, you must immediately call out to God, in the name of Jesus, in order to receive your breakthrough. We are encouraged to seek God’s wisdom as silver and search for it like hidden treasure; please see, Proverbs 2:4-6).

In my long quest from sin to salvation, when I daily exercise a true commitment to agree with God, He exercises a true commitment to strengthen my faith in Him with more of His grace and peace. Philippians 4:7, (ESV), assures us as follows: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” God knows your heart and sees the moment that you have had enough and are ready to let Him lift your burden. However, more importantly, He wants to give you the quality of life that you deserve. The following scripture is a quote from Jesus Christ: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” See, John 10:10, (NASB- New American Standard Bible).