Become A Soul-Winner For Jesus Christ!

Inheriting a home in Heaven is hopefully the goal of everyone living here on the Earth. Our Earthly body will be transformed into a spiritual one, fit for eternal life in Heaven with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Why should this be your greatest hope in these last days? Because the fashion of this world is passing away. See: 1 Corinthians 7:31. Further, like a neglected field that is ripe and ready to be harvested, many people are asleep as to the dire importance of having and promoting a life that is pleasing to Christ and to serving as a light that is shining into spiritually dark lifestyles.

The careers and personal lives of far too many individuals are tied to actions that the Holy Bible would unfortunately describe as sinful. Therefore, when we know this, can we love our neighbors by remaining silent and hoping that perhaps someone else will risk offending them by telling them Biblical truths that will lead to their eternal salvation? Jesus Christ has certainly demonstrated the risks involved in truly loving others, even when they were unlovable, and even when telling them the truth about the Kingdom of Heaven meant painfully losing HIS own physical life! However, harsh and unthinkable the reality, Jesus understood that being obedient to HIS Father (and ours) even to the point of death was a risk that was well worth taking.

What if it were possible for Jesus to have alternatively kept silent, or if He persisted in being unwilling to face the death and humiliation of the cross to save His creation? Wouldn’t it have amounted to the hopeless and needless loss of innumerable human lives due to the willful deception of Satan, which led Adam and Eve to disobey God? However, thank God for Jesus, the second Adam, who is our example for obeying God in all things. The Holy Bible teaches that God can do all things; and He willingly sacrificed His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ (which in Hebrew is translated: Anointed Savior) to take care of the sin problem for all of humanity; all that every person has to do now is to trust Jesus with the sin in their life, lay their sin burden at Jesus’ feet through earnest prayers to God in the name of Jesus, (who is our substitute and redeemer concerning God’s anger as to sin), and we must help others to find salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord as well.

Therefore, today, evangelism, or winning the souls of others, including those you know and love for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven, is typically not a life or death proposition and certainly does not involve being whipped and beaten nearly to the point of death, or being humiliated by being crucified (being publicly naked and nailed to a cross, which involved suffering additional physical wounds to the hands and feet, death through the loss of blood from the combination of all of physical wounds that Jesus suffered.

Jesus also suffered from asphyxiation, (or breathing challenges, due to the weight of the body and how it is positioned on the cross, which makes it difficult to draw each breath). Further, the Holy Bible is one of the best-selling books in the world. However, salvation doesn’t seem personal, unless it becomes personal in the lives of each individual who is touched by the selfless life and teachings of our anointed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Additionally, since most people work hard to have a better life, many would find value in knowing they could trade an earthly lifespan of 100 years or less, filled with toil, sin and sorrow for the remainder of life on Earth and an eternal life with an unlimited lifespan, along with freedom from toil, where the only currency needed is based on their redemption through Christ, their ongoing commitment to righteous living and the joy of praising and honoring Jesus who proves beyond a doubt that He unconditionally loves each and every human being and His entire creation.

Further, He keeps rooting for all people to learn that the true value of life is in living well, in a way that is holy as to God’s righteous standards, and helping others to do the same. Further, a huge part of the hope of inheriting citizenship in Heaven alongside Jesus, Our Lord, Savior and King is to have our family, friends, neighbors, and others we care about right there with us in order to share in all of the wisdom and joys of the Lord!

Finally, let’s shine on in faith, hope, love, and peace and reap the invaluable Harvest of human souls for the eternal Kingdom of Heaven and for the Most High and Eternal King, Jesus Christ, our brother, Savior and Mighty God! To reference scriptures from the Holy Bible, which teaches us that Jesus is also our brother, please see the following Bible verses and others as you may desire:
2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 2:11-15; and, Romans 8:29; John 15:12; John 20:17; 1 John 3:17; 1 John 4:12. May God Bless your Happy and ongoing Bible study and soul-winning for Christ.

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