
About URNOTAHOMOSEXUAL.COM Website:  We are all so blessed to live in a world that gives a wide birth to so many perspectives along our path to spiritual maturity: Where each person may dream of liberty and hopefully, also find happiness in pursuit of a life well lived. Therefore, due to God’s grace and the many chances we may receive, it’s not about, either/or, rather it’s about, “also/too”. By His grace, each of us learns, loves and triumphs at an individual pace. By this, the author means that in general, the human understanding is always growing toward perfection or maturity. However, God’s understanding is, was, and will be always perfect. After making the world, (including the first human heterosexual couple), in six (6) days, the Bible says, “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good…” Genesis 1:31- English Standard Version. 

This website is based on the author’s perspective, which is significantly influenced by a personal, silent 40-year struggle with homosexual thoughts and feelings and God’s responses to a desperate cry for help. My goal is to help someone else with this often misunderstood issue to timely find grace, truth and self-confidence and to restore trust and fellowship with a living, loving Holy God. Also, I will demonstrate that gender-based confusion, (or homosexual thoughts and feelings), is completely resolvable through divine intervention and an unwavering faith of individuals to wholly, solely trust in God for this purpose.  For expediency, the phrase, “homosexual thoughts and feelings”, will be exchanged for a medical term, “homosexual anxiety,” which describes a similar condition in which one experiences homosexual thoughts and feelings. But,  (due to various internal and external restraints), they avoid pursuing homosexual behavior.) 

In other words, there are strong religious, personal, and/or familial convictions that support a heterosexual lifestyle. This makes the struggle with homosexual anxiety potentially more perplexing and isolating.  But have no fear. The truth is that all people were born into the world as sinners following to the sin of the first man, Adam; So, GOD fathered Christ Jesus, (or Anointed Salvation), who was born into the world to die for people’s sins and redeem us all back to GOD through the blood of Christ, without which, no one one can be saved.  By trusting in Christ Jesus for salvation, diligently studying and obeying His Word, the Holy Bible, associating with like-minded believers, etc, we can all become spiritually mature, or perfect in the eyes of God, who gave His life for us all.

Because this matter, on several occasions, is mentioned as one of the sins in the Bible, there is no question that it affects many people the world over. So, in the following pages, you will find detailed accounts of supportive insights, especially the Holy God’s wise counsel, that reveal His systematic and measured and treatment of the topic, relative to His familiar responses to similar, and in some cases, more serious biblical occurrences

Further, this blog endeavors to correct various misconceptions as to homosexual anxiety and convey profound truths, based on the Author’s experience and insights, deduced from her life-changing interaction with the Holy God, including, but not limited to:

1. In a cycle of gender denial, “gender loss”, gender acceptance and gender reclamation, “gender loss” is based on a misconception in which one’s gender is never truly lost but may have been subverted, due perhaps to a denial of its importance; but if gender acceptance and gender reclamation form a dominant mindset, then the opposing concepts of gender denial and “gender loss” are unsustainable and cannot co-exist. 

2. The fact of merely experiencing homosexual thoughts and feelings does not make someone homosexual. But the confusion sin brings could liken us to lambs caught in a thicket, or lingering in a golden cage, (more later). Nevertheless, if you suffer from anxiety associated with this condition and with a broken and contrite heart, you ask God for help, He will graciously rescue you and reveal the truth to you. 

3. The idea of a homosexual-heterosexual couple is based on a misconception surrounding monogamous heterosexual dating between gender-opposite individuals, one or both of whom may have at some point struggled with homosexual thoughts and feelings, but maintained a heterosexual lifestyle; because if a couple consists of members of the opposite sex, they are heterosexual instead of homosexual. 

About Motivator, Pristine “Princess” Jean:  At age 7, in her native island nation during a sunny afternoon, Jean played in the front yard of a neighbor/guardian’s home. Suddenly, the Holy God appeared to her in a brilliant vision and said the following: “One day, you will meet the Prince in the mansion on the hill.” Jean knew who God meant. However, the combination of God speaking to her about meeting the Prince was overwhelming for her. Also, at age 18, when Jean had the opportunity to speak with the Prince by telephone, unfortunately, she lacked the courage to “break the ice” and identify herself to her lasting regret; she struggled with homosexual anxiety until age 45 and never learned what meeting the Prince meant.

This may all sound strange to some people; but having failed to follow her childhood vision to fruition by meeting the Prince as a young woman, Jean knew that she had turned a blessing into a burden. But once God revealed to her that she was not a homosexual, He also told her how to gain the mastery over homosexual thoughts and feelings and to share this gift of knowledge with others. (Please refer to: My Gender Is A Precious Gift From God). Also, I hope to encourage and help to save another “Princess” from similar pitfalls while helping to perhaps facilitate a divine meeting of a lifetime with her “Prince”. The Author’s hope is that others become inspired, encouraged and motivated by the advise herein.

Furthermore, through the Author’s true stories of divine providence and supernatural revelations, a warm, practical approach is shared for enlightenment as to this often misconstrued topic. The Author tells in detail of her struggle with homosexual thoughts and feelings from early childhood and well into her adulthood. Also she shares her theory of how her struggle began and insights and mistakes as to how they were handled as well as how to timely avoid similar mistakes along with the confusing and harmful effects associated with them. Her light-hearted approach and forthright story-telling style is appropriate for someone, who is desperate for change. If you long to feel, “normal”, like everyone else, this is for you.

As indicated, before sin entered the world, normalcy, (or, spiritual maturity, perfection), was chosen for us. And fortunately, because of God’s sacrifice through His son, on behalf of all humanity, the normalcy of all people, past, present and future can be seamlessly restored, (regardless of whatever sin we are challenged by); but we must, with simple childlike faith, make this request of God. He is ready when you are and he is willing to guide you back to Him.

About Member Comments: In a world where we are often told that there is no cure for what ails us, I hope that the information contained herein will help to establish a spiritual path traveled by an online Christian community of positive, uplifting people whose shared experiences will support, educate and encourage others of like faith and challenges.  Prayers can accomplish so much in the life of someone, who may be struggling in silence and trying to conquer homosexual anxiety on their own.  Also, I know from decades of trying, that sin is bigger than a mere mortal’s ability to overcome it alone. 

Therefore, please purpose all comments and prayers as important points of interaction with Christ on behalf of yourself and others to promote a safe and comfortable atmosphere by which to explore ways to help resolve homosexual anxiety, develop self-confidence, and become open to sound heterosexual friendships, as well as meaningful monogamous heterosexual relationships. I hope your discreet accounts include Divine intervention and personal experiences of redemption and triumph over homosexual anxiety in ways that emphatically invite open global narratives and unprecedented healing. 

Instead of shutting down and suppressing these struggles, let us create relaxed, easygoing environments and conversations with each other, of the same and opposite sex, as we all need honesty, acceptance and love.  And with such meaningful, well-intentioned goals, it may be possible, if you are interested in developing a significant, long-term relationship that it may grow into monogamous heterosexual dating or even heterosexual marriage. God redeemed us and we can all help to redeem each other for holy living.  We all have thoughts, feelings, and struggles in one area or another; and we cannot predict the future. However, when amazing people, who are loved and valued by God, equally love and value, and respect each other, a most remarkable and expected result may follow.