Coming of Age

Coming of Age-

Although Jesus is God and was sinless, he was humble, having found himself in the form of  a man. Additionally, having come as the Lamb of God to redeem all of God’s creation from the curse of sin, Jesus was therefore made perfect by the things that He suffered. Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:26-38, Hebrews 1:5-14, Colossians 1:15-20 and Philippians 2:5-7.

In my own experience, as someone grappling to overcome homosexual thoughts and feelings even later in life, although my coming of age was markedly delayed by my failure to trust God as a result of the fear and shame accompanying my sinful condition, that entire struggle is significant; because having surrendered my fear and shame (which may involve passive forms of pride) I am now blessed enough to know that the pivotal point in my journey culminates in the unveiling of God’s transcending power that allowed me to grow into spiritual maturity through His invaluable counsel and my joining my faith with His. I now know that God is all in all, and that all roads and all life experiences lead me to glorious victory when they lead me to Jesus, whose name is above every other name, including homosexual thoughts and feelings or the name of any other sin, blessing or any other thing in this life: Bless The Holy Name of Jesus! The humility to fully trust God to sanctify me, that is to separate me and set me apart from the sin that had so easily entangled me, amounts to my going through a spiritual awakening, and that is no doubt more powerful and far more necessary for redemption through Christ than only my physical maturity in my coming of age.

No matter who they are, what makes all people sinners is that everyone falls into a category of sins listed in the Bible. And as such, all are therefore eligible for salvation, which God willingly provides. Once each person trusts in God and is saved from sin, all who have faith could read with new hope the events in the Bible before the fall of mankind, when God and Adam had fellowship by walking and talking together in the Garden of Eden. (The name, Adam is synonymous with Adama, which is Hebrew for, “earth” and by extension, “earthy”; the individual definition is, “human”, and collectively, “mankind”); in other words, Adam was quite literally an earthman. His wife, Eve, whom God formed from Adam’s bone was also called, Adam. Genesis, chapter 5, verse 2, (KJV), says the following: Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

I regularly and wholeheartedly celebrate the moment when God opened my eyes to the lifelong freedom of experiencing 100% maturity as to heterosexuality from the moment I understood His truth, (the truth), that set me free. Whether the struggle is with homosexual anxiety or otherwise, and lasted hours, days, weeks, months, years, or even decades, (as in my case), whenever, you found the courage to privately cry out to God for help, whereby with His divine counsel, you were finally able to allow Him to carry your burden, this is the moment that began your Spiritual Coming of Age.

Therefore, if like me, you have similarly experienced freedom from homosexual anxiety, I wholeheartedly encourage you to also regularly celebrate the magnanimity of the moment that your life-long freedom began and NEVER go back: Rejoice in God’s grace, everlasting mercy and unconditional love through Jesus Christ’s shed on the cross, by which your burden was lifted. And I rejoice with you, as your suffering has led you to abandon your secret pride in not turning to God sooner, and because your faith in the finished work of Jesus makes you whole.

Or, if you are desperate to live as a fully heterosexual woman or man but have not yet experienced your breakthrough: Once you have reached the point where you have had enough of experiencing the burdensome intrusion of homosexual thoughts and feelings, or you have become so frustrated with homosexual anxiety, that you have developed “mountain moving faith” to dispel it from your life, you must immediately call out to God, in the name of Jesus, in order to receive your breakthrough. We are encouraged to seek God’s wisdom as silver and search for it like hidden treasure; please see, Proverbs 2:4-6).

In my long quest from sin to salvation, when I daily exercise a true commitment to agree with God, He exercises a true commitment to strengthen my faith in Him with more of His grace and peace. Philippians 4:7, (ESV), assures us as follows: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” God knows your heart and sees the moment that you have had enough and are ready to let Him lift your burden. However, more importantly, He wants to give you the quality of life that you deserve. The following scripture is a quote from Jesus Christ: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” See, John 10:10, (NASB- New American Standard Bible).

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