God, In Christ, Has Made A Way For All Of My Sins

Since Jesus is fully man and fully God, only his righteous shed blood could redeem all of humanity and the rest of His creation from the curse of sin. And, instead of a short lifespan, followed by death, resulting from mankind’s sin, Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” See: John 3:16. “The first man was named Adam, and the scriptures tell us that He was a living person. But Jesus, who may be called the last Adam is a life-giving spirit.” See: 1 Corinthians 15:45, CEV. Jesus is also God: “A virgin will have a baby boy, and He will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.” See: Matthew 1:23, CEV. “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.” See: Acts 4:12, CEV.

In contrast, all sin is based on a lie against the truth. Further, God gives people a conscience to distinguish right from wrong. However, some people quite mistakenly believe that simply because they were born in sin, that God loves sin and sinners. However, the truth is, because He is Holy, God loves righteousness and hates wickedness. See: Psalm 45:7. Additionally, the first Adam, sinned even before producing children. (Adam and Eve, both of whom God called Adam, means “earthy”. See: Genesis 5:2; “The man named his wife Eve (life spring, life giver) because she was the mother of all living.” See: 3:20, Amplified Bible). That first human couple fell under the curse of sin, while still living in God’s Garden of Eden. See: Genesis 3:1-24. Therefore, when they expelled from the Garden of Eden and began having children, their offspring were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. See: Psalm 51:5. Each sin listed in the Bible may be thought of as an inescapable assignment divided among all of humanity. However, “Sin pays off with death. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.” See: Romans 6:23. Therefore, regardless of the sin that is assigned, sin is always the opposite of righteousness. And each person can pass the test, (which is based on a specific sin assignment) only by relying on Jesus’ salvation and His willing sacrificial death as the Lamb of God for all sin. The initial sin was brought on by deceitful temptation from the devil, which he perpetrated against Eve. When Eve involved her husband, Adam, they both became disobedient to God’s command that they should not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Additionally, as a result of their disobeying God and eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they both went from living in a state of holy innocence, where they were not drawn to sin, because they knew no sin and did only what was right to their conscience, which was firmly rooting in honoring and trusting God, to having their good thoughts accompanied by an awareness of evil thoughts that had the potential to lead them astray. And because of the nature of sin living inside of them, they would choose to sin, (although they hated being sinful), instead of choosing only to rely on God in every thought and action in order to behave in a righteous manner. See: Romans 7:15-24. Therefore, they had to be expelled from the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life, then living for eternity in a state of sinfulness.

However, outside of the Garden of Eden, Adam was cursed to a life that was complicated by his physical toil involving his growing of edible vegetation for food from often hard, dry soil, and dealing with thorns and thistles that sprang up on their own, as the sin of mankind caused a curse upon all of God’s creation, including the earth from which God made Adam. Further, Eve’s curse involved labor pains in childbirth and sorrow. Her sorrow also likely resulted from God’s curse that her husband would rule over her. And they both became aware of the sin of their offspring. Mankind’s fallen nature as to their desire to yield to their temptation to commit sin, and the continued influence of the devil on human behavior, eventually led God to destroy all life on the earth, with the exception of only eight people, by a flood of waters. See: Genesis 9:11. However, when those eight people repopulated the world, sin eventually rose up again. Therefore, toward the end of time, God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, into the world to teach mankind about His kingdom, after which Jesus gave up His life and died, once and for all, for the sins of the entire world.

Jesus, who is also called, the Word, made all of creation. “In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God. From the beginning the Word was with God. And with his Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word. Everything that was created received its life from Him, and His life gave light the everyone. The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.” See: John 1:1-5. After, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross as the Lamb of God, He made a proclamation to the spirits that were lost in the flood. See: I Peter 3:18. Then God raised Jesus to life again, whereby He encouraged His disciples and returned to Heaven. Then, as promised He sent His Holy Spirit to fill His disciples and a growing worldwide body of believers in Christ to remind them of all truth.

However, those who choose to reject Jesus’ great salvation and refuse to care for the needs of other people will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and the angels. See: Matthew 25:41. The devil wanted to take over the throne of God. See: Isaiah 14:12. Therefore, the great dragon, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, were thrown to the earth. See: Revelation 12:7-12. Further, Jesus said that He saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven. See: Luke 10:18. Therefore, Satan, his angels and the human beings that he led astray to commit unrepentant sin, and even death, itself, will be finally destroyed. However, those who chose to obey God, will be the redeemed of the Lord, Jesus Christ: as they help those in need, live righteously, inherit eternal life and will be forever with the Lord.

After, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross as the Lamb of God, He made a proclamation to the spirits that were lost in the flood. See: I Peter 3:18. Then God raised Jesus to life again, whereby He encouraged His disciples, returned to Heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to fill His believers and remind them of all truth. However, those who choose to reject Jesus’ great salvation and refuse to care for the needs of other people will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire that was prepared for the devil and the angels. See: Matthew 25:41. The devil wanted to take over the throne of God. See: Isaiah 14:12. Therefore, the great dragon, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, was thrown to the earth. See: Revelation 12:7-12. Further, Jesus said that He saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven. See: Luke 10:18.

Therefore, Satan, his angels, and the human beings that he led astray to commit unrepentant sin, and death, itself, will all be finally destroyed. And there will be no more tears. See: Revelation 21:4. Further, those who chose to obey God and were redeemed from sin to salvation through Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life and will be forever with the Lord.

In conclusion, as a result of the fall of the first human couple, Adam, who disobeyed God by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which brought God’s curse on them and on the children they later had, humanity continued to grapple with the knowledge of evil, as it interfered with their ability to choose only the good behavior that pleases the Holy LORD, their God.
However, God, who is compassionate and knows the beginning from the end, wants all of mankind to be saved by choosing righteousness instead of wickedness. See: 2 Peter 3:8-10. Therefore, in the last days, through the excruciatingly painful death of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, God planned for the redemption of His entire creation, including all of the willing and obedient believers in Christ among mankind. And having done the will of His Father, after He finished talking to His disciples, Jesus returned to Heaven. See: Mark 16:19.

However, some ordinary people were drawn to God and chose to honor Him by living righteously; while God chose others as His prophets, priest, kings, apostles, and for other areas of ministry in order to keep open communication between God and mankind, all of whom He desires to save, so that not even one is lost. See Matthew 18:12.

Therefore, (regardless of the sin assignment, disposition, or propensity toward sin), strive to overwhelmingly pass the test of faith, in order to win the prize of salvation. See: Hebrews 11:1-40 and 1 Corinthians 9:25-27. “For many are called but few are chosen.” See: Matthew 22:14.

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