5 Ways To Guard My Gender

Before God set me free from homosexual thoughts and feelings, I remember being very anxious to know what it would be like to have a distinctly true heterosexual disposition. I often wondered what a heterosexual feels and how confident and unburdened that feeling must be. Also, I yearned to successfully partake in heterosexual dating as a fully heterosexual woman and experience a meaningful relationship that would one day lead to a wonderful, love-filled marriage to a spiritually mature Christian man. And I’ve often wished to share a great understanding, complete mutual acceptance, and unconditional love with my future significant other.

I suppose I will never stop wanting to be fulfilled in this way, particularly now, since I have God’s assurance of being heterosexual; and I am certain that I can turn to Him at any time for any additional assurance or support. (God is Holy: and He wants all of His creation to be restored to its original state of holiness, health and perfection, which fully reflects His image in which mankind was made.) So, I’ll hold out hope until my wish for a meaningful heterosexual relationship comes true. Nevertheless, in an effort to fully enjoy my freedom from homosexual anxiety, and on behalf of those who have known similar anxieties, I would like to share my success and it relates to things that I do on a daily basis to vigilantly guard my gender, as follows:

The 5 Ways I Guard My Gender:

1) Immediately: I promptly abhor homosexual anxiety in the same instant that it tries to enter my thought-life, spirituality, or emotions, long before it has a chance to take root. For example, I sometimes imagine those abhorrent thoughts or feeling to be something like a “baseball” and my spiritual, mental, and emotional reflexes, based on God’s Word, like a “bat,” with which I promptly knock them out of the proverbial “ballpark!” And I have found that my reflexes, (the Godly standard that I raise in order to gain the mastery over sin), become quicker with practice.

2) Resolutely: Since God revealed to me more that ten years ago, how to deal with homosexual thoughts and feelings, I have agreed with HIM that they are abhorrent and would destroy my relationship with HIS Holy Spirit. These thoughts are also destructive in that they show a lack of respect for myself and others: The best in people and every aspect of God’s creation, including remarkable intelligence, beauty, talent, strength, etc, are all gifts, reflections, and testaments to be attributed to the Holy God, who gives life and all that is good.

Therefore, I firmly resolve to dispel these inappropriate thoughts and feelings that have no place in my life by, instead, using them as opportunities to remember to HONOR God, thank Him for His grace, and marvel at HIS wisdom, might and glory. I resolve to join Him in bringing out His best in me to enabling me to enjoy the best that life has to offer. I draw near to Him with praise or by saying a favorite, quick and effective prayer. This places my attention on HIM, the appropriate respect on HIS creation, and makes it easy for me to recall who God says I am, as well as how HE showed, (and continually shows) His immense love for me. 

3) Completely: Not only do I vigilantly strive to maintain a healthy spiritual mental and emotional outlook by appropriately respecting God, myself, and others. But by speaking truth and calling on Jesus, I fully and thoroughly abolish any occurrence of homosexual anxiety and remain vigilant until there is no place for it to exist, as it is absorbed by the grace and power of repeating the name of Jesus. What a friend we have in Jesus: There is nothing like His lovely Name to silence the noise of sin and shame.

4) Fearlessly: If they occur, I maintain an attitude of proactively challenging and rejecting homosexual thoughts and feelings with the utmost confidence and utter fearlessness. The importance of being assertive with unwavering, bold determination cannot be overstated in a battle in which properly protecting my spirit, mind, and emotions is essential. Further, the healing waters of God’s Word quench the heat of battle in any of life’s challenges and assure me that I never have to face these challenges alone. I am reminded of the following scripture from the Book of Romans, Chapter 8, verse, 37: “Yet in all these thing we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” New King James Version, (NKJV).

5) Affirmingly: I focus on several powerful truths: 1) I am a heterosexual woman, and I’m profoundly glad that my doting Heavenly Father kindly and considerately hand- picked this gender as a gift for me 2) I cherish and confidently protect my birth gender 3) I love myself unconditionally and continually rejoice in my heterosexuality, (which pleases God), especially as to the peaceful single mindedness it brings me and, 4) I readily and humbly agree with God that my heterosexuality is one of the most precious gifts He ever gave me.

These affirmations help to provide a firm foundation for sanctification, which separate and shelter me from an opposing view. I am in a spiritual battle where choosing righteousness over sin is the goal for achieving victory. And now I am certain to win; in fact, I am more than a conqueror because I have invited God, who loves me fights the battle for and with me.

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